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   Swim Spas Starting at Just $24,999.

   Full Installation Packages Available Including Electrical and Foundation Base.

   Monthly Financing available.

   Floor Models & Demos available.

   Free Local Delivery available

   Up to 40% off specialty pricing is available on all models

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How to Buy from Our Swim Spa Store

The Sundance Spa Store has years of experience delivering excellent customer service and selling top-tier pools and spas. Our GTA-area swim spa store has an outstanding reputation and swim spas that fit properties of all sizes. We can find a product for outdoor or indoor use, and we pride ourselves on our approachability and versatility. We’re open every day of the year and can adapt to your needs to find the swim spa you want. Follow our guide to get the most out of your experience and your new swim spa.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Experience

We want to make your life easier. Our team is prepared to take you from a vague idea to a new, fully functional swim spa in as few steps as possible. But we can also help you be prepared, shortening the process and lessening any stress you might feel. Follow this four-step process when working with our team:

  1. Assess Your Needs and Preferences: Why do you want a swim spa? Is it for exercise, relaxation, or both? Understanding what you want is a crucial first step in the process. From there, we can help you select a model that fits your needs.
  2. Consider Size and Location: Measurements are your friend. Whether buying an indoor or outdoor swim spa, you need to know how much room you have. In addition to physical space, you should also consider privacy and how it will integrate properly.
  3. Identify Features and Technology: Today’s swim spas have amazing technological features. Powerful jets are perfect for performance training, and our product’s energy efficiency and advanced water purification systems save money.
  4. Set Your Budget: Swim spa prices vary, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding a quality installation. You should consider upfront costs and long-term maintenance, repairs, and energy consumption.

High-Quality Swim Spas for Over 20 Years

We sell top-of-the-line swim spas to people throughout the Greater Toronto Area. We have locations in Burlington, Mississauga, Oakville, St. Catharines, Vaughan, and Hamilton, each fully staffed with passionate and knowledgeable team members. Buying a swim spa should be an adventure full of expectation and fun. We help make it so. You can get the most out of your new pool or spa with little knowledge and foresight.

Contact the Sundance Spa Store