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Swim Jets

Swimming in a Four Season Mini Pool is a fantastic, low impact way to work out year ’round!

Our Sun Plunge Swim Spas come equipped with a Swim Tether which harnesses the power of resistance training to enhance your stationary swim (or aqua walk).

Sundance All Season Mini Pool Splash series Swim Spas include a Swim Tether but also include Swim Jets to maximize your workout.

The Splash series Swim Jets are engineered to turn over a high volume of water with a flow that is predictable and non-turbulent.

This swim current gives you the ability to focus on your stroke technique and enjoy the fluidity of the swim current adjusted to your personal swim level.

Swimming in a Mini Pool gives you a great cardio workout and the buoyancy of the Swim Spa relieves all the pressure from your joints so you burn almost as many calories as you would going for a run without all the impact on your bones & joints.



A Four Season Mini Pool Swim Spa from The Sundance Spa Store is designed for swimming, fun, fitness and relaxation.

The massage therapy seats of your Mini Pool can be used before a workout to prepare your body for exercise, after your workout to speed up recovery time or you can just jump in as a relaxation tool after a stressful day!

Sundance Swim Spas are engineered to provide the optimal massage, which can be personalized to provide the hydrotherapy experience that is just right for you.

All of our Mini Pools have two full sized therapy seats with a variety of jet styles to massage key muscles in a number of different ways.

There are also massage selectors/diverter valves to move water from seat to seat (to adjust the water pressure) and air controls to add air to the water for increased pressure.

Get the relaxing massage you need in a Sundance Four Season Mini Pool!



Our Four Season Mini Pool Swim Spas come wrapped in a durable, steel framed cabinet that have a sleek, modern style and are available in two contemporary colour options.

Enhance your backyard experience with a Mini Pool Swim Spa in a colour that compliments your outdoor decor. The Black cabinet is stylish and dramatic and looks incredible with a contrasting interior colour such as Silver Marble or Pure White.

The other colour option is a Grey cabinet that contains notes of taupe. This cabinet is more of a neutral colour, which provides you with a lot of versatility and doesn’t tie you down to a particular colour scheme for the rest of your backyard project.

Four Season Mini Pools cabinets are built with a maintenance free synthetic material. so you do not have to worry about painting or staining the outside of your Swim Spa and can look forward to years of care free use.

In addition to the two cabinet colours, there are four interior colours to choose from: Alpine Mist, Silver Marble, Pure White & Quartz Mist, so you can get the mix of colours that will make your backyard oasis look spectacular!



Clean, clear water is an essential element of your enjoyment in your Sundance Four Season Mini Pool and all of our Swim Spas are equipped with the technology required to keep your water in pristine condition with the minimum amount of time and effort on your part!

Your Mini Pool Swim Spa features a Commercial Grade 75 Sq. Ft. Side Filter with Intelligent Programmable Filter Cycles. In addition to the filter, there is a built-in skimmer to capture leaves and debris and an inline tab dispenser should you desire to use Brominating Tablets to sanitize your Swim Spa water.

A crucial part of Sundance Spas water purification system is also available on all Sundance Four Season Mini Pools & Swim Spas: ClearRay Active Oxygen.

ClearRay UV-C Water Purification has been the industry leader in water care since its inception in 2012. This patented system uses UV-C technology to neutralize 99.9% of all waterborne pathogens and does not introduce any chemicals in the Mini Pool water.

In addition the the UV-C System, ClearRay Active Oxygen injects a low does of ozone to the water. This ozonated water then passes through the UV-C system and is “activated” to produce Active Oxygen which cleans the Mini Pool Water. Using UV-C and Ozone together maximizes their effectiveness and provides more cleaning power.

ClearRay Active Oxygen will help ensure no skin and eye irritation for those using the Swim Spa – No dry skin or red eyes after your swim!


Energy Efficiency is more important now than ever before, and we are pleased to be able to offer you two energy saving cover styles for your Four Season Mini Pool Swim Spa; Hard Cover & Rollaway.

Our Hard covers come in 3 or 4 pieces depending on the size of your Mini Pool and can be used in conjunction with a variety of cover lift options for ease of use.

These hard covers are built to exacting standards and engineered for maximum thermal efficiency. Sundance Swim Spa covers are fully lockable for safety purposes and are constructed with superior foam for strength and long lasting durability.

A second option to cover your Four Season Mini Pool Swim Spa is the unique Rollaway Cover.
The Rollaway cover is the latest evolution in Swim Spa Cover design and is designed to make it as easy as possible to open and close your Mini Pool as possible – 1 person can unroll/roll this lightweight cover in as little as 60 seconds!

Designed and built in Canada, this cover option creates a seal at the top of the swim spa to lock in heat, lower energy consumption and reduce running costs. A cover bracket is available for convenient storage of the cover while you are enjoying your Mini Pool.

The underside of the Rollaway cover is made of a reflective material that reflects heat back in to your Swim Spa, and the outer surface is constructed with an all weather fabric that is UV protected to limit fading and deterioration caused by exposure to direct sunlight.

Whichever cover option you decide on, you can rest assured that you are protecting your Mini Pool, reducing energy consumption and ensuring your Swim Spa is always ready for you to swim, have fun, exercise and relax whenever you desire!


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